Enciclopedia de la Literatura en México

Light into shadow : marginality and alienation in the work of Elena Garro

For decades, the creative combination of myth, fantasy, history, and reality in Elena Garro's work has fascinated students and scholars of Mexican literature. This book highlights marginality, a recurrent theme throughout Garro's work. Postmodernism, feminism, and theory on historical drama and marginality provide the means to examine how marginal characters evolve into alienated ones. Rather than presenting a limited focus on only one genre, all of Garro's fiction —novel, short story, and theater— is examined. This in-depth coverage permits veteran Garro readers and initiates alike to enter into the entire glorious world of one of the premier writers of twentieth-century Mexico.

* Esta contraportada corresponde a la edición de 2001. La Enciclopedia de la literatura en México no se hace responsable de los contenidos y puntos de vista vertidos en ella.